What happens in the pool of darkness

Interactive installation

What happens in the pool of darkness

Human's behaviour can be described as [choice], and he deals with contradictions through choice, which is itself a hazy point of intersection, like the top of a mountain, where an object may slide in any direction at this moment, but only in the absence of sliding in any direction. It exists in concept, but it cannot be found in reality, just like the "concept of the point", the difference being that the choice itself is a statement of the state, whereas the point is a summary of the state.

The black pool is structured around a rule: take as much as you can and put as much as you can down, each visitor will fumble through the black pool to remove a black plastic bag left behind by a predecessor and the artefacts in it, and leave a black plastic bag in which they have left their own artefacts, which can be anything, and which provides the participant with the basic pen and paper. A video camera is always watching everything that happens.

The work stems from a contemplation of choice itself as a hazy intersection, like the top of a mountain, where the object may slide in any direction at this moment, but only in the absence of sliding in any direction. It exists in concept, but it cannot be found in reality, just like the "concept of point", just like the existence of the "pool of darkness".

Because of the information that can be observed, it is known that something is happening in the Pool of Darkness.

I don't know what is happening in the Pool of Darkness because of unobservable information.

In this project, each participant is offered multiple choices, each of which leaves an invisible trace in the pool, and as the number of choices increases, the pool becomes more and more unknowable, and each participant contributes to the growth of chaos with his or her own hands.

The mixing of infinite options can create chaos, the infinite outward expansion of options can be fused into a seemingly vast and complex concept, but the essence is so clear, the choice itself, the pool of darkness itself. Chaos is the sum and totalisation of one's exposed parts, the accumulation of quantities, the infinite outward expansion of many, just like the torrent that pours down from the top of a mountain, the top of the mountain is so concrete, while the torrent keeps changing its form at every point. I love this state of affairs for ten minutes, not as an aggregation of contradictions, but as a paradoxical transcendence.

Attempts to replace liquids with other materia

participant perspective

In the “Pool“


As the action continues, the interior of the pool is changing constantly.

Participants can get a hazy tactile perception of a part of the tank in a certain time.

The observer can perceive the changes through the white shadows and constant sound sweeping across the tank wall, but cannot perceive the beginning and end of the change.

The work comes from thinking about the choice itself, a hazy intersection point. This is like a mountaintop, at which objects may slide to any direction. Besides, it truly exists in the concept, but cannot be found in reality, just like “the concept of dot”. The difference lies in that the choice itself is the representation of a state, whereas the dot is the summary of the state.

A mix of infinite options can create chaos, and the infinitely extending options can be integrated into a seemingly enormous and miscellaneous concept, but its essence is so clear - the choice itself. However, chaos is the integration and sum of the outer parts of people, which is the accumulation of quantities and infinitely expands in multiple directions. This is just like the torrent pouring down from a mountaintop, which is so concrete. However, the torrent is constantly changing shapes. I love such a state, which is not the aggregation of contradictions, but the transcendence of contradictions.


Plan for May 27,2023: Entangled in Time


Sugar and beauty in industrialisation