The disappeared concept of space

I sat in a chair and had a two-hour conversation with people in a group using Bluetooth headphones, during which my conversation partners constantly changed.

In his study of the characteristics of postmodern culture, Fredric Jameson proposed that in the postmodern context, the disappearance of the time-historical dimension makes it seem as though humanity lives in an infinitely extended present. He likens this situation to the spatialization of time. However, at the same time, in another dimension of social life, we are also facing the gradual disappearance of space, which is even more easily experienced.


在后现代文化特征的研究之中,Fredric Jameson提出了后现代语境之中时间-历史维度的消失,使得人类仿佛生活在无限延申的当下之中,他将这一现状比作时间的空间化。但于此同时,在社会生活的另一个维度之中,我们也同样面临着逐渐消失的空间,这甚至是更易于体验的。

Accelerated transportation has gradually transformed distance into time, causing the journey to lose its significance. The future development of autonomous driving technology may likely further diminish the concept of "time spent on the journey" by re-structuring the space within vehicles to be more convenient for everyday activities, thereby causing the journey to vanish. In this way, space is fully transformed into time, but this transformation is not yet complete. With the widespread use of personal mobile devices, space that has been temporalized may once again be transformed into events: watching a two-hour movie on a tablet at home is barely different from watching the same two-hour movie during a journey. Thus, the experience of the journey is almost erased.

In culture, we are confronted with the thinning of time, while in life, we face the thinning of space. These two forces, stemming from late capitalist culture and technology, seem capable of flattening everything.






The Awkwardness of Neighbors