The Awkwardness of Neighbors


The Falure of occupy tate modern


The Awkwardness of Neighbors

我通过组织一场占领tate modern的艺术行动,展示了当代艺术对话的困境。







我们被用多种方式请离了,但是没有一个人试图站在我们行动的对立面去批判去对话,他们表现的承认我们,同时他们表现的完全不在意我们,这里不再有对话的对象了。这里仿若不再存有如Hans Haacke, MoMA Poll, 1970的作品被MOMA否定时产生的对话和新的可能性,这里是后现代百花齐放下的一片死寂,如同电视的雪花屏。


Through organizing an art action to occupy Tate Modern, I showcased the dilemma of contemporary artistic dialogue.

When gathering participants, I used another concept as the theme of the action: to demonstrate the gap between ideology and reality.

Participants lay in the exhibition hall, becoming factors that every passerby and staff member needed to deal with.

Exploring the mechanisms of liberalism, the prevailing ideology in the Western world today, it is determined that it must emphasize the boundaries between individuals, even beyond the emphasis on traditional freedom. All others must be placed outside oneself, becoming neighbors, which is both a respect for their boundaries and a form of isolation.

They are placed, but they must also be placed; they are severed, but they must also be isolated.

The most meaningful part of this project is not in itself but in the clear manner in which its failure reveals how contemporary liberal institutions deal with such challenges. There will no longer be dialogue as it was possible in the last century; instead of becoming opponents of the event, the response of post-ideological institutions is to make the objects of dialogue disappear, which is also a general dilemma of postmodern society and art.

We were evicted in various ways, but no one attempted to stand against our action to criticize or engage in dialogue. They seemed to acknowledge us while at the same time showing complete indifference to us. There are no longer objects of dialogue here. It's as if there were no longer the dialogue and new possibilities generated when works like Hans Haacke's "MoMA Poll, 1970" were denied by MoMA. It's a silence that descends amidst the flourishing of postmodernism, like the snow on a TV screen.

The difficulty in establishing universal judgment criteria is both a fact and an excuse. The incapacity beyond subjective philosophy and rational frameworks should not be described as absolute and indifferent—incapacity to discuss something does not imply the meaninglessness of that thing. We will next go to some modern or pre-modern sites in postmodern society to find objects of dialogue. We are also conducting further research and practice around this concept in different locations, such as UCL, to establish and find more institutions for dialogue and cessation.

You can now end your performance. Your performance was excellent, and Tate hopes to see more of your work in the future. However, for safety reasons, we must ask you to conclude your project.


Your project is not permitted to take place here, but personally, I really like it.


Your performance is fantastic, but please leave. Performances here require approval from the curator.


Please leave; performances are not allowed here.


We welcome your performance, but due to safety concerns, we must ask you to end it. I am curious about the concept of your performance; could we discuss it?


Please leave, but thank you.


Sir, you need to leave. Are the others lying in the hallway also your collaborators?


After you go back, you can submit an application to the curator. This is our website, but staying here now poses some safety issues.


Madam, you need to leave now.




The Falure of occupy tate modern

我使用占领Tate为口号,召集了二十位在伦敦不同身份的参与者,在25/2/2024下午三点二十分于Tate Modern 的“艺术家与社会”常设展区域的全部交通要道处安眠,成为需要被行人与工作人员处理的障碍。





在艺术家与机构关系的不断演化过程中,上个世纪中依然如Hans Haacke, MoMA Poll, 1970的作品被MOMA从艺术概念的角度否定其作品于MOMA出现的正当性,问题依然需要被回应。而如今,当代艺术本身的概念已然受困于名为无限的囚笼之中,当代艺术所孕育的所谓无限的可能性恰恰是对其对自身迭代与演化可能性的抹消,即自由需要其外部方可存在,当代艺术的讨论中政治之外的话题提出问题的能力甚至已然被完全消解。机构完全无需于此呈现任何对抗性姿态,就如同此次在tate的行动一样,对话仅仅会被以类似安全问题,场馆脉络问题消解,其会肯定行为的一切正当性并使用其他方面的理由达成本质上没有差别的目的,他们所占据的点位已非传统的话语权权威,其与其反应正是反意识形态意识形态的真实呈现。

正是通过占领tate modern这一行为中建立对话尝试的彻底失败,展示当代艺术等所面对的对手的宏大与结构性批判的无力,漫天之网绞缠于身,对话的对象不会出现,真正的于机构的对话在这一套体系之内自然不再可能发生。

Using the slogan Occupy Tate, I gathered twenty participants with different identities in London to lay in state at 3.20pm on 25/2/2024 in all traffic lanes of Tate Modern's ‘Artists and Society’ permanent exhibition area, becoming an obstacle to be dealt with by pedestrians and staff.

This event, in the form of a do-nothing, was guided by a decentralised methodology, using the issue of migration as a window into the fissure between ideology and reality, and was completed by the participation of Tate's staff.The most meaningful aspect of the "Neighbor's Embarrassment" project lies not within its own framework but in its clear demonstration of how contemporary liberal pluralistic institutions deal with decentralized movements. When we are politely driven away for various reasons while performing in a domain that advocates diversity, all possible criteria for judgment are dissolved, leaving no starting point, no touchstone, no judgment.

In this context, repeating traditional artistic actions not only fails to have a genuine impact but also fails to establish any meaningful dialogue. The contradictions inherent in postmodern contexts destroy the possibility of establishing evaluation criteria under their own context, constructing complex systems of paradoxes between countless discourses. Narratives emphasizing subjectivity and individuality are also opposed to themselves. Different stakeholders can use the same words to create radically different narratives, whether by dismantling centers through diversity or by encouraging the solidification of identities through diversity.

As the relationship between artists and institutions continues to evolve, questions raised in the last century, such as Hans Haacke's work "MoMA Poll, 1970," which was denied legitimacy by MoMA from the perspective of artistic concepts, still need to be addressed. Today, however, the concept of contemporary art itself is trapped in a cage called infinity. The so-called infinite possibilities nurtured by contemporary art precisely erase its own possibilities for iteration and evolution. Freedom needs its external to exist. Even the ability to raise questions about topics other than politics in discussions of contemporary art has been completely neutralized. Institutions no longer need to present any confrontational posture.

As in the action at Tate, dialogue will only be dissolved by similar safety concerns and venue context issues. All legitimacy of the behavior will be affirmed, and the same goals will be achieved through other reasons. Their occupied positions are no longer authoritative in traditional discourse, and their reactions are the true representation of anti-ideological ideology.


The disappeared concept of space


Declaration of a Decentralized Methodology